18 July 2006

Our Platform

The first meeting of the New Icelanders' Party exceeded my expectations in terms of the ideas presented. It's great to hear unabashed advice from intelligent people. After compiling these ideas democratically, we've arrived at a central platform:

Integration, Equality and Unity

The New Icelanders' Party refers not only to those people who've newly arrived in Iceland, but also to those Icelanders who have new ideas, new visions for the country, and want to create a new society. This society rests upon our three fundamental issues: integration, equality and unity.

Integration - because we want to see Iceland as a model country for the rest of Europe, if not the world, by actively working to integrate immigrants into Icelandic society. This will help prevent the sort of marginalization and "ghettoization" we see in some European countries who chose to ignore the people they once welcomed. It will make the newcomer feel more welcome, which is good for them, and also quicken their transition into Icelandic society, which is good for Icelanders and new arrivals alike.

Equality - because all of us are entitled to the same rights. In this sense, we refer not only to immigrants, but also to the nation's elderly, the disabled, the single parents: we are all one nation, and the New Icelanders' Party will work hard to ensure that everyone is given equal protection and equal entitlement under the law.

Unity - because a society divided cannot stand. We are not a "single issue" party - we welcome the input of everyone in shaping our goals and objects. Iceland has a tremendous potential for direct democracy, and we want to make that a reality.


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