12 October 2006
About Me
- Name: Paul F Nikolov
- Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Alþingisframbjóðandi Vinstri Grænna, og sækist eftir 3. sæti í Reykjavík norður. Takmark mitt er að koma með rödd innflytjendasamfélagsins beint inn í sali alþingis, að auka flæði hugmynda milli þingsins og fólksins, og að aðstoða við að skapa Ísland framtíðarinnar sem verður betra fordæmi fyrir aðrar þjóðir með hverri kynslóð. / Parliamentary candidate for the Left-Green Party, seeking the 3rd seat for Reykjavík North. My goal is to bring the voice of the immigrant community directly into the halls of parliament, to increase the exchange of ideas between the government and its people, and to help in creating a future Iceland that becomes a more shining example for other countries with each generation.
Previous Posts
- Moved
- Iceland's Poles
- Lithuanian Mafia?
- Doing Wrong, Doing Right
- Dorrit Moussaieff Comments on Immigration
- Integration, Not Assimilation
- Our Platform
- First Meeting 13 July
- The New Icelanders' Party Starts Now!
- New Icelanders' Party FAQ